Kohki Sasaki

Administration chairperson

Improvement of manufacturing spot and chemical plant Construction setup support.
Support for processing of fiber and development of products .
Teijin Ltd. retired.


Yojiro Taira

Vice Administration chairperson

Support of environmental management, planning and energy saving measures.
Support of plant equipment plan and overseas business.

Professional Engineer JP(Electrical)81102.

APEC Engineer JP(Electrical) JP-1-003195
IPEA Engineer(JP)IntPE(JP)-1-000473
Iwatani Corporation retired .

Yujiro Akashi

Development, improvement and promotion of casing plastic products.
Coordinates between companies, quality management and person-savings.
Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. retired.






Makoto Uchida


I joined a textile trading company and was responsible for export operations.Later, I transitioned to a manufacturer of differential pressure gauges, where I worked in sales, providing customers with technical advice on differential pressure gauges and proposing applications for differential pressure measurement.


Subsequently, I took on a role in the materials department, managing suppliers, which included tasks such as reducing defective products, shortening delivery times, and handling ISO audits.

Yamamoto Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd retired.


Takuji Osaki


Strategy planning and implementation-plan building supports.

Wide range of experiences from R&D, business promotion, to M&A.

Contributed to SRI International, CA, USA as International Fellow.




Masatoshi Kato

My main technical background are Metallurgy, Material Science and corrosion. I have worked as a consultant in the fields of metallurgy, material science, corrosion and water treatment technology. And I have been involved in water treatment, wastewater treatment, process improvement, and troubleshooting at steel mills, chemical plants, and power plants.  Recently, I have been providing support for patent applications management and providing technical guidance and sales skill training to young and mid-level employees.

Katayama Nalco Inc. retired




Yoshihisa Kishimoto


Development of polymer and polymer composite materials for electronics field.   

Planning and inspection of reliability test for electrical module and components.

Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. retired.




Shun Saitou

Managerial betterment , productivity and quality improvement.
Development of battery material, catalyzer and glass material.

Professional Engineer of chemical field.
Registered Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant.
Kansai Coke and Chemicals Co. retired.

Koichi Sakai

Development analog electronic circuit application apparatus.
Data analysis technology that made full use of mathematics statistics.

Development of control system with physical computer by C++ language.
Panasonic Corporation retired.

Yoshiaki Shida

Metal, semiconductor and various related materials development.
Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd., and SUMCO Corporation retired.

Toshiaki Tanaka

Business planning of smart grid, smart city and home security system.
Support for new business developments and products.
Panasonic Corporation retired.

Kazunori Takabatake

New product and plan development support of giving new service.
Support of the product improvement such as function improvement, the reduction in cost
Electricity, a power supply, an earthquake, the measurement device of the field of disaster
prevention and development of the system.
Kinkei System Corporation retired.

Kyoko Tsujisaka

Market and marketing channels search.
Alliance support between companies.
Planning of company of new business, support founded in second business.
C. ITOH & CO. retired.

Takeo Tokito

 Support of environmental protection (Atmospheric pollution, Water purification, Waste treatment).

 Support of overseas business (Market development).

 Iwatani Corporation retired. 

Ryohichi Nagashima

Technical consultation of pharmaceutical products process, machine design,
spot improvement, energy saving, nano and bio technology.
Support of the subsidy application, patent strategy and patent application.
Mental health care of the workplaces.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. retired.

Noboru Nomura

Support of patent strategy, precedent patent investigation and patent application.
Development support of the minute processing process technology
of a semiconductor and electronics parts.
Panasonic Corporation retired.


Nobuo Hamano

Support of planning of new products and parts, design review, development,
and quality improvement of process of manufacture.
Improvement support of manufacturing spots such as resin or die-casting.
Panasonic Corporation retired.

Kenji  Hanno


Research and development of the chemical field and the field of food

Development support of new business.





Shinsuke Hori


Support for product planning, cost planning, development and manufacturing of new products.

Stamping, welding, resin molding, improving productivity and quality at factory sites.


Keijiro Mihara

Plan and design of factory automation facilities.
Plan, design and maintenance of the electric equipment.
Local resources activation and MOT instruction to medium and small-sized business.
Higashiyama electronics Corporation retired.


Yoshiki Yabuhara


Support for cost-planning, productivity/production management improvement

in manufacturing sites.

Support for developing personnel with strong on-site capabilities.

Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. retired.

Makoto Yamaguti

Registered Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant.
Professional Engineer of industrial engineering field.
QC circle activity support.
OSAKA Titanium technologies Co., Ltd. retired.

Maya Yamaguchi

Administrative task support of projects such as trust and subsidy business.
Osaka Science and Technology Center retired.

Toshiyuki Wada


Support of new business development, making of quality management system

and design review .
Seal copying technology. Reduction of  vibration and noise.

Panasonic Corporation retired.

Tsuyoji Hhodo

Technology development of titanium, production technology and
industrialization of the associated products.
OSAKA Titanium technologies Co., Ltd. retired.